Asis Wildlife Rescue Center Service Trip

Get up close & personal with Costa Rica wildlife

Volunteer at Asis Wildlife Rescue Center and work with rescued animals, from monkeys to peccarys, kinkajous, macaws and more! Explore the town of La Fortuna, walk on lava beds in Arenal Volcano National Park, visit an organic farm, and more!

The Highlights:

  • Work side by side with project staff members and get up close and personal with a variety of rescued animals.
  • Reward yourself for your volunteer work as you relax in hot springs.
  • Explore the trails and hike on lava beds in Arenal Volcano National Park.

Trip Details

  • Where:
    Costa Rica
  • Trip Length:
    7 days / 6 nights
  • Available Trip Dates:
    Year round
  • Program Fee Includes:
    Bilingual Costa Rican Guide, accommodations, private in-country transportation, meals, activity and entrance fees.
  • Free Travel for Trip Leaders:
    Trip leader travels for free (land + air) with 7 paying participants.